Introduction and Integrity...

Welcome to

Here's the deal. I shop on Amazon, a lot. And I, like most of my fellow amazon shoppers, have been duped by fake reviews from paid shills of the companies and other disreputable sources.

Very recently in life I have been turned on to, a website which analyzes the reviews left on any Amazon product, and gives the product a letter grade based on the percentage of likely fake reviews it finds. Note that FakeSpot does not make any claims about the quality of the individual product, merely the legitimacy of the reviews that you may be basing your purchasing decisions on.

I now have a tendency to run all of my would-be purchases through FakeSpot, and I'd like to get the word out for others to do the same. As part of my mission to create a better world for Amazon shoppers everywhere, I am starting this blog.

In brief, when I find a well reviewed product with a very low FakeSpot grade, I will make a post here to point that out. Whenever possible, I will also point readers to alternative products with better FakeSpot ratings. I will link to all products-- good and bad-- through an Amazon Affiliate account as a way to be minimally compensated for my time, but I will NOT let the presence of these links affect what I have to say about the products. Nor will I say anything about the efficacy of the product itself unless I have specific experience or knowledge my readers wouldn't otherwise have.

Buy through the affiliate links, or don't. Your choice. I'm a working mother of two, so I figured the odd ten-cent bonus here and there won't hurt anything.

Hoping to get my first several posts up in in the next week or so. Also, as for the name: P.U. Review: I get it. It's hokey. I'm not in love with it. Mostly, I just didn't want to spend too much time being precious about it, and it's kinda a neat rhyme.

Feel free to be in touch with questions or comments. Also, I'm not going to take down any information I find based on a company paying me to do so, but companies may be welcome to contact me to address any concerns.

I'm going to try to do all this with the utmost honesty and integrity, or at least as much as I can manage. I'm really tired most of the time, so don't expect miracles.

Excited to get started and all that.


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